Justice with Youtube

Friday, November 17, 2006 at 1:22 | Posted in Finland, helsinki, youtube | 3 Comments

Warning: this video displays a violent scene

This Youtube video was recorded by a bypasser in the local mall where I live. It shows two security guards brutally beat and kick a man who is lying on the ground in handcuffs. The bypasser posted it in Youtube and was eventually heard as a witness by the police.

According to Helsingin Sanomat, the guards are suspended pending the police inquiry. My educated guess is that both of them will be prosecuted and they can forget a career in the security business. Unfortunately, though, far from all similar incidents are uncovered.

On a few occasions I have seen guards in that mall use somewhat excessed force while removing a drunkie but I have never witnessed anything like this. Most of the guards are proffessional but there are a few who seem to be rather oriented on force than using their wits to solve conflicts.

In this case a random witness spontaneously recorded the violent incident with his camera cell phone and uploaded the video in Youtube. It was detected by the media whereby the police started a criminal investigation. The track has received hundreds of thousands of hits. A part of it was shown in the national TV news tonight.

This case shows that Google made a good decision in setting aside 200 million US dollars in a defence fund for copyright lawsuites against Youtube. While there is no doubt a whole lot of crab in Youtube, this case shows that the site is worth defending. The guy being abused in this video would not have gotten justice without Youtube.


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  1. […] Larko berichtet über ein YouTube-Video, das gestern abend in Finnland in den Nachrichten lief. Zwei Wachmänner hatten in einem Einkaufszentrum in Helsinki auf einen mit Handschellen gefesselten, am Boden liegenden Mann eingeschlagen und -getreten. Ein Passant hatte den Vorfall spontan mit seinem Handy gefilmt und bei YouTube eingestellt. Nachdem die Medien das Video entdeckt und die Polizei daraufhin begonnen hatte, zu ermitteln, wurde der Filmer als Zeuge vernommen. Die Wachmänner wurden der Zeitung Helsingin Sanomat zufolge bis zum Abschluss der Ermittlungen suspendiert. Mehr dazu bei Larko: Justice with YouTube. […]

  2. […] I wrote yesterday about two guards who were caught red handed on a video tape posted to Youtube abusing a citizen in the shopping mall of Kontula in Helsinki. According to unconfirmed information, the municipal transport service is going to introduce a new station announcement for subway trains approaching Kontula. It would sound something like this. […]

  3. […] sügisel siin kohalikus kaubanduskeskuses aset. Tänu juhusliku möödakäija tähelepanelikkusele sattus see aga YouTube’i, misjärel jõhker turvamees vallandati ja sai ka kriminaalsüüdistuse […]

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