A bit too often

Friday, December 5, 2008 at 4:35 | Posted in internet, Web tools, WordPress | 4 Comments

I guess the new WordPress dashboard is not too bad and I am eventually going to get used to it. Once I do, I may even think it is better than the old one which it replaced an hour and a half ago. I was just getting used to that one.

This is where the problem is. It takes time to get used to a new interface.The older you are the longer it is going to take.

While I appriciate the efforts of the WordPress team to create a better user interface, I have a modest request. Could we please stick to this one for a bit longer period? So that it would not be changed against another new dashboard as soon as I get used to using it.

I accidentally started to type this post to another blog of mine which it was not meant for. I thought I had navigated to this blog but I had not. Navigating between blogs seemed to be easier in the old dashboard.


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  1. The idea behind this new interface is that it’ll provide a solid foundation for the next 5 years of development.

  2. I am glad to hear this, Matt. There have been quite a few big changes during the three years I have been around.

  3. Another thing, which annoys me even more is the fact that they keep pushing minor updates to WordPress PHP code basically in every two or three weeks. That’s a Mozilla-like politics in WP-upgrading, and it makes you think it could have been a good idea after all to use WP’s owm server instead of a personal solution.

  4. One of the reasons why my blog is here. 🙂

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